[asterisk-dev] Setting up imap based voicemail / invalid remote specification

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Fri Sep 15 09:41:04 MST 2006

----- Arnd Vehling <av at nethead.de> wrote:
> Then i got this part of the doc wrong. Alle the better.
> But whats all the fuzz about the "mbox" format in the imap docs then?
> Shouldnt the imap server take care of the format a message
> is stored in an not the client? Or i am getting something completely
> wrong again here?

Those are relevant to if you are setting up the UW IMAPD server on your Asterisk server, as opposed to using another IMAP server that already exists. That document could certainly use some rewriting, but nobody has worked on it yet, since the code had not yet stabilized.

Kevin P. Fleming
Senior Software Engineer
Digium, Inc.

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