[asterisk-dev] digium closing the source?

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk roy at karlsbakk.net
Sun Sep 3 23:45:50 MST 2006

>> it's been some time this question came up, but i just heard a  
>> rumor  saying 'digium is to be closing the asterisk++ source'. the  
>> rumors  didn't say when or anything, so i'm just wondering if  
>> there might be  something in this, or if it's only talk.
> I'm extremely curious, given your history on this list, if you will  
> be willing to reveal where you "just heard a rumor."
> Otherwise, there is a very strong whiff of trolling in your post. . .

I'm not trolling. I just heard a rumor from someone on IRC, and I  
wanted to know if there was anything in it. I'm glad if it's not.

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
roy at karlsbakk.net
(+47) 98013356
In space, loud sounds, like explosions, are even louder because there  
is no air to get in the way.

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