[asterisk-dev] Filed a chan_sip bug (1.4/trunk) ? Please re-test! *** IMPORTANT ***

Johansson Olle E olle at voop.com
Sun Oct 29 11:11:50 MST 2006

We have over 60 bugs open for chan_sip. I am trying to work myself  
through them, but will need help
testing and filing proper bug reports. If I don't get proper data, I  
will simply close the bug report.

*** Important information ***
During the weekend, I've committed pretty significant changes to  
chan_sip. If you have filed a bug
report, please retest with the latest subversion code - in the 1.4  
branch or trunk. Report back
to the bug tracker so I know that you've tested and whether the bug  
still exists or is gone.

*** Open positions: SIP bug marshals! ****
Thank you for the assistance. I need all the help I can get to reduce  
these bugs down to a
proper level, so we can start thinking about releasing chan_sip  
version 1.4. Test, produce
patches, debug reports - anything.

Let's get this product out of the door!


Olle E. Johansson * Asterisk Evangelist, developer * VOOP A/S
olle at voop.com

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