[asterisk-dev] Asterisk Open File Limit

Matthew J. Roth mroth at imminc.com
Tue Oct 17 15:24:41 MST 2006

Matt Florell wrote:
> What is the default open file limit in Asterisk and where is it defined?

You need to change the maximum number of open file descriptors available 
to a process via ulimit.  I make all ulimit changes in the init script 
AND limits.conf.  That way they're applied in both of the following 

1) Asterisk is started automatically at boot.
2) Asterisk is started manually from a login prompt after a crash or 
maintenance downtime.

Increasing the maximum number of file descriptors can be done by adding 
the following lines to limits.conf (where <user> is the user you run 
Asterisk as):

<user>   soft   nofile   65536
<user>   hard   nofile   65536

And adding the following line to Asterisk's init script (in your case 
'start_asterisk_boot.pl'), immediately prior to starting Asterisk itself:

ulimit -n 65536

I've solved a good number of Asterisk scalability issues, so feel free 
to contact me off-list if you run into any more.

Matthew Roth
InterMedia Marketing Solutions
Software Engineer and Systems Developer

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