[asterisk-dev] why 'o' (preserve original callerid) is not defaultin app_dial.c ?

Koopmann, Jan-Peter Jan-Peter.Koopmann at seceidos.de
Fri Nov 3 10:45:57 MST 2006

On Wednesday, November 01, 2006 7:23 AM Dinesh Nair wrote:

> we do, just to show proper callerid during blind and attended
> transfers. 

So do we and most of our clients.

> however, using the 'o' option affects the filename of the recording
> should touch recording be used, giving both src and destination
> extensions the same number.  

THAT explains some things. Thanks for pointing that out. Could this possibly be considered a bug? Clearly (to me at least) this should not happen. If so: Who files a bug report on this? What could be ways around this?

Kind regards,

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