[asterisk-dev] Voicemail redisign

Kristian Kielhofner kris at krisk.org
Wed Nov 1 16:02:11 MST 2006

Matt O'Gorman wrote:
> well if you used semicolons, this could be a best practice and done already.  you can do a #include /etc/asterisk/voicemail.app already.  Just a thought.
> Mog


	Yes, in my rant I forgot to put semicolons in front of the %.

	I know that you can do an include already, but that does not help the 
user at all unless they want to read "pages and pages" of dialplan/AEL - 
what is this? what does it do?  Having a somewhat standard format with 
some kind of description and usage that could expose itself from the CLI 
would be a HUGE benefit "show dialplan application voicemail" or 
similar.  Also, the DEPENDENCIES could be very useful - again, in my 
example, it would eliminate quite a bit of trial and error (again, from 
the user) for them to find EACH and every real app_* that was needed by 
that dialplan code (in the case of them having a custom modules.conf, etc).

Kristian Kielhofner

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