[asterisk-dev] Re: why 'o' (preserve original callerid) is notdefault in app_dial.c ?

Paul Cadach paul at odt.east.telecom.kz
Wed Nov 1 09:29:46 MST 2006


Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> Until we make these two separate entries, there will always be confusion
> on what information is there - as you show, sometimes you need the
> source (e.g. when presenting 'who is calling me?' info to the destination),
> sometimes you need the destination (e.g. when rerouting, or deciding
> which voice-mailbox to use, etc.)

RDNIS is the right point to look at. When you redirects call to voicemail, you should put user's extention where
redirection was made to RDNIS field to indicate call was redirected (and specify redirection reason too - "forwarded on
busy", "forwarded on no answer", "forwarded unconditionally", etc.), so call handling scenario will deduce mailbox/etc.
information from RDNIS (and redirection reason) correctly.

Calling number usually is the number of original caller until something other is specified (by dialplan or dial option).

That's at least rules how all big exchanges works. So, why to investigate to bycicle and make incompatibilities with
existing telecommunications infrastructure???


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