[asterisk-dev] Video, anyone?

Olle E Johansson oej at edvina.net
Wed May 3 03:52:33 MST 2006


During my recent tests with video phones (thanks Grandstream and  
Foniris!) I have found out
that we have a list of things to do. I have also found out that there  
are a lot of developers out there
that have done it already - meetme with selectable video streams,  
chan_local with video and other
patches that we need to incorporate into Asterisk. Smaller changes  
now, bigger changes for 1.6.

In order to open up a forum for those of you that want to work with  
Video, SIP and Asterisk, I can
set up a temporary mailing list for the AVTF - Asterisk Video Task  

I have no knowledge of video codecs, standards and other strange  
stuff, so I rely on you there.
I can manage a branch for this work and come with input from a SIP  

It is ok to discuss IAX2 and Video as well - does it work with the  
jitterbuffer, does trunking work,
any room for improvements?

Mail me *OFF LIST* and I'll add you to my temporary ad hoc mail list  
so we can start working
on this.

Welcome to the AVTF!


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