[asterisk-dev] losing CDRs on mysql backend

Juan Pablo Abuyeres jpabuyer at tecnoera.com
Thu Jun 1 08:28:43 MST 2006


I am losing CDR records on my MySQL backend. I just compared CSV records
with MySQL's and I was surprised with the difference. Searching a bit, I
hit this bug: http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=4953


1.- kpfleming says "The spooling issue will continue to be a problem for
v1-0 users, but HEAD (and v1-2) users can use the built-in spooling in
the CDR engine.". That "built-in spooling" has to be enabled somewhere
or is it automatic?

2.- If there is a built-in spooling into CDR itself and there is no
spooling in cdr_addon_mysql, when the mysql server is down, crashed,
full, unwired, firewalled, or whatever.. is built-in spooling in CDR
itself supposed to handle that??

I'm using asterisk- and asterisk-addons-1.2.2



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