[asterisk-dev] Beta testers needed for new sound files (now version 1.4.1)

Gil Kloepfer astr-dev at kloepfer.org
Mon Jul 24 11:51:35 MST 2006

On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 10:54:02AM -0500, John Lange wrote:
> It seems some of the files are clipped at the beginning and they seem to
> pop or click.

I have noticed the same thing.  When reading strings of digits, it has
popping noises that sound a lot like what would happen if there were
a lot of erratic jitter.  This is under a fairly recent 1.2 SVN load.
I pulled down the .wav versions of the files as well, and the popping
is not in the sound file itself (at least where you can hear it
under Asterisk).

However, there are some digits (the actual sound file) that appear to
have a pop right at the beginning (like the microphone was tapped or
was blown-on).  If you look at it with a sound editor, it looks like
a very rapid transition from 0 to a higher level, and if smoothed
out (or removed) it sounds much better.  A good example of this is
the digit 0.

I also agree that the space at the beginning and end of the file slow
down the reading of digits to the point where it's annoying.  I always
felt that the old digits needed this space removed, and in the new
files it appears to be increased.

Finally, Allison's voice is somewhat higher in pitch than when she
recorded the other sound files.  The pitch is actually rather pleasant,
but doesn't match the pitch of the older sound files (particularly
some of those in -sounds).  This may sound a little odd under certain

Hopefully this helps with the work on the sound files.  I really
appreciate getting them in a format that can be edited without
loss (ulaw, for example).  The GSM-compressed files were impossible
to edit without making the edited version sound mushy.

Gil Kloepfer
astrepl at kloepfer.org

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