[Asterisk-Dev] moving sounds out of asterisk repository

Steven critch at basesys.com
Sat Jan 14 08:17:06 MST 2006

On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 15:35 +0100, Matt Riddell (IT) wrote:
> Russell Bryant wrote:
> >> So will it be in asterisk-sounds or in asterisk? Or both? The base/
> >> directory can be a source of problems if people start to use it
> >> literally (if it is in the asterisk-sounds tarball).
> > 
> > 
> > I prefer to keep the base sounds in the Asterisk tarball for the sake  
> > of simplicity.
> Maybe with the appropriate disclaimers we could also have:
> base/country code
> Which would greatly increase the speed of building mutilingual systems.

This brings up an interesting idea, once the sounds are pulled out and
you are thinking of building makefile targets for downloading them, why
not split the various language files apart to further reduce the amount
one downloads without reducing the total of asterisk-sounds. I doubt my
company uses more than 10% of even the english files and we haven't
touched any of the other languages.
Steven <critch at basesys.com>

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