[asterisk-dev] Issue with Asterisk with VRRP

Sergey Kuznetsov asterisk_biz at deeptown.org
Tue Aug 15 16:36:45 MST 2006


Thanks a lot!

Do you have a clue when it can be implemented natively in Asterisk?
Any ETA?

All the Best!

Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> ----- Sergey Kuznetsov <asterisk_biz at deeptown.org> wrote:
>> Is there any solution for that? This is the only show stopper which is
>> not allows us to use this solution in production.
>> is there any way to add some virtualIP variable to [global] and to 
>> device section, to provide such possibility for HA?
> There is no clean solution for this today, no, other than to bind Asterisk directly to the virtual IP address (which means Asterisk can only service a single IP address, since chan_sip does not currently know how to handle multiple bindings).
> Work is already in process to make this much more flexible and capable, but none of it is usable at this point, unfortunately.
> If you are running on Linux, one option would be to use iptables SNAT rules to change the apparent source address of the outbound SIP packets before they get put onto the network. It may also be possible using the 'ip' command (instead of ifconfig) to put a 'src' address of the virtual IP onto your interfaces so that all packets that leave that interface use that IP, although that would affect more than just SIP signaling.

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