[Asterisk-Dev] Open source time card application for Asterisk

Chuck Bunn chuck.bunn at networkdoc.com
Mon Sep 26 21:01:09 MST 2005


A couple of questions... A clarification you are using the users voice 
mail password as the userid? Or am I misunderstanding the code. Short 
and sweat, nice code...


Tilghman Lesher wrote:

>On Monday 26 September 2005 10:56, Chuck Bunn wrote:
>>I have several clients interested in this application. The primary
>>has 40 nurses in the field and is having a hell of a time with time
>>cards. Using an automated system through the phone seems the best
>>way to meet her needs... If you have any other ways of doing this
>>please let me know...
>CREATE TABLE timeclock (
>	userid char(4) default '' not null,
>	timein integer,
>	timeout integer,
>	PRIMARY KEY (userid,timeout)
>write=INSERT INTO timeclock (userid,timein) VALUES 
>write=UPDATE timeclock SET timeout='${VAL1}' WHERE timeout IS NULL and 
>exten => 9991,1,VMAuthenticate
>exten => 9991,2,Set(ODBC_CLOCKIN(${VM_AUTH})=${EPOCH})
>exten => 9991,3,Hangup
>exten => 9990,1,VMAuthenticate
>exten => 9990,2,Set(ODBC_CLOCKOUT(${VM_AUTH})=${EPOCH})
>exten => 9990,3,Hangup
>Voila!  Instant timeclock.

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