[Asterisk-Dev] Database backed Asterisk

Leif Madsen asterisk.leif.madsen at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 14:19:06 MST 2005

On 9/26/05, Serge Sozonoff <serge at sozonoff.com> wrote:
> I posted this on the forums originally but had little luck so I will try here...
> Hi All,
> After having read around a little, I was wondering which database backed
> Asterisk solution offers the most "features" and power in terms of being able
> to drive the entire configuration of Asterisk from the database?
> ast_data?
> Asterisk RealTime?
> Other?

I just store the relevant information from the configuration system to
a database backend (your choice - I use PostgreSQL). From there, I
have a script which pulls the information from the database and
generate my configuration files. Once the files are generated, I issue
a reload. At least in my case it causes a lot less problems and
complexity than RealTime (your mileage may vary).

Leif Madsen - http://www.leifmadsen.com
Astricon 2005, Anaheim, CA, October 12-14

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