[Asterisk-Dev] BOUNTY: 100$ Name before Voicemail Playback

Matt Riddell matt.riddell at sineapps.com
Thu Sep 22 09:59:24 MST 2005

Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> Matthew Gibson wrote:
>> SEE:
>> http://voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk+Bounty+Name+Before+Voicemail+Playback
> CVS HEAD already supports 'categories' that can be assigned to voicemail
> messages before they are left, and playback of a pre-recorded prompt
> before the message is played back based on the category name. If the
> number of companies sharing this mailbox is known (and relatively
> small), this would be by far the easiest way to go, since it's already
> implemented.

Sorry, where is this Kevin?

I don't see anything related to it in voicemail.conf.sample as of 30 seconds
ago :)


Matt Riddell

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