[Asterisk-Dev] BOUNTY: 100$ Name before Voicemail Playback

Matthew Gibson m.gibson at voxip.ca
Wed Sep 21 23:43:25 MST 2005


*Date Opened:*
September 22, 2005


- Following coding guidelines for inclusion to Asterisk CVS
- Submit Disclaimer etc.

When multiple companies/people use the same voicemail box and queues and 
agents are not being used, voice messages are left and group's checking 
voicemail are un-aware of what brand to call back to client as.

*Solution: *
Play the last context or caller name before listening to the voicemail 

- Modify app_voicemail.c (+ others required)
- Adhere to Asterisk Guidelines to submit to CVS for inclusion
- Global option and Per User voicemail.conf setting ability

It is fine to use SayAlpha or SayDigit to "speak" the name of the
caller/context/variable, doesn't have to use festival or
anything of that nature.

*Options created for Voicemail.conf:*
; enable saying callername before voicemail playback

; enable saying context the vm was left in before playback

; turn off saying callername before voicemail playback

; set saying callername to yes and assign it which variable to speak

Bounty: 100$ upon completion

Matt Gibson
m.gibson at NOSPAM.voxip.ca
1.877.999.4678 ex 6400

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