[Asterisk-Dev] Problem with Parking announcement and RedirectAction

Josip Gracin gracin at tel.fer.hr
Wed Sep 21 15:24:13 MST 2005


I have the following problem using Manager API and parking of calls.

A call gets established and its two channels (lets call them channel1 
and channel2) are linked.  Now, I perform Redirect Action (through the 
API) in which I redirect channel1 to extension 700.  The problem is that 
the announcement saying to which extension the channel has been parked 
is played on the channel1, that is the channel that has been parked. 
Everything else works as expected, only the announcement is played to 
the wrong channel.

My redirect action is formed in the following way (using asterisk-java 

     RedirectAction redirectAction = new RedirectAction();
     redirectAction.setContext( "sipphones" );  // my default context
     redirectAction.setChannel( channel1 );
     redirectAction.setExten( toExtension );
     redirectAction.setPriority( new Integer(1) );
     ManagerResponse resp =
       this.managerConnection.sendAction( redirectAction );

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

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