Tony Mountifield tony at softins.clara.co.uk
Wed Sep 14 06:55:04 MST 2005

In article <200509141334.j8EDXt9e032199 at commserver.noach.com>,
John Hill <jhill at noach.com> wrote:
> I did a make update for zaptel, libpri and asterisk. Then recompiled.
> I no longer get an error message. Callerid is still blank. 
> The log and cli return this line:
> Sep 14 08:22:51 NOTICE[13266]: chan_zap.c:5946 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring
> Begin)... 
> I was getting a checksum error and a mylen <0 error. IT would say callerid
> failed: success.
> I deleted all modules and did a make install of the beta1 source using the
> cvshead of zaptel and libpri.
> Caller id then works fine? 
> Something has changed in the asterisk code that is not seeing callerid from
> of my x101p. 
> I'm stumped!

It's almost certainly something in chan_zap.c that's changed.

Well 1.2beta1 uses r1.490 of chan_zap.c, and the latest head uses r1.511.
Try different versions of chan_zap.c (assuming there are not interdependent
changes elsewhere) using "cvs update -r1.xxx chan_zap.c" and then compiling.
The you can home in to which change stopped it working, and report what
you find as a bug.

If there are interdependent changes, you will have to try checking out the 
whole tree at specific dates using the update or checkout option -Dyyyy-mm-dd

You can look for likely starting points with "cvs log chan_zap.c".

Hope this helps!

Tony Mountifield
Work: tony at softins.co.uk - http://www.softins.co.uk
Play: tony at mountifield.org - http://tony.mountifield.org

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