[Asterisk-Dev] AgentCallbackLogin, 1.2-beta1 issues

José Pablo Ezequiel Fernández pablo.fernandez at reliable.com.ar
Tue Sep 13 13:30:19 MST 2005

at Reliable Services we use agents to identify a person with an extension but 
no more than that, we don't use queues and the work is mainly outgoing calls. 
For that, agents is not very well fited and what you mention on this post has 
a lot to do with it.

On Monday 12 September 2005 17:40, alan wrote:
> I am using AGENTBYCALLERID to prevent multiple agents from logging in to
> the same extension, which is a discussion for a different day.
How do you do that ?

Just to set off the discution, we'd like to have the following features (and 
we are willing to implement them):
- Automatically log off an agent from an extension when a new agent is logged 
- Automatically log off an agent from an extension when the agent is logged on 
on another extension.

And it would be nice to require to be logged in with some agent to be able to 
make calls (something like that logged agents make that extension be in a 
different context)

Thank you.
José Pablo Ezequiel Fernández

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