[Asterisk-Dev] masquerade and ZOMBIE problem and question

Sergio Chersovani mlists at c-net.it
Wed Oct 26 14:10:00 MST 2005

Kevin P. Fleming ha scritto:

>> I understand, but the clone channel is created in the 
>> ast_do_masquerade so I see no reason to keep it up even if marked as 
>> well I need to take a closer look to the code :-)
> Is it created there? I don't think it is, I think it was created by 
> whatever code decided the masquerade needed to be done.

The problem start with the ast_pickup_call
I pass a valid channel to the function, the ast_pickup_call masquerade 
the cur (ringing) channel into my channel, the ast_pickup_call marks 
ZOMBIE the "cur" channel.
The ast_pickup_call should hangup or delete the "cur" channel when the 
masquerade has success.

Well, I'll give it a try.


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