[Asterisk-Dev] Bug 4301 - ztdummy accuracy problem

Chih-Wei Huang cwhuang at citron.com.tw
Tue Oct 18 02:07:19 MST 2005

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 07:53:55AM -0400, BJ Weschke wrote:
>> Chih,
>>The bug was closed because the ztdummy behavior is not the specific cause
>>for the delay problem. That patch with USE_RTC was intended to make use of
>>the real time resource available within the kernel >= 2.6.13 instead of
>>relying on a OHCI USB resource which was the case previously.
> ztdummy uses the kernel's internal clock for kernel 2.6 even without
> USE_RTC . with USE_RTC you should expect to get better accuracy, though.

I see. Thank you!

But I have further questions:

* Do I need USE_RTC for better accuracy to eliminate the delay problem?
* Do I need kernel >= 2.6.13 to enable USE_RTC ?

I have also tried patch from bug 4252 (app_meetme-HEAD.diff).
But the audio quality degraded evidently, while the delay problem
still existed... Sigh...

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