[Asterisk-Dev] ACD calls to busy agents

J Thomas jthomas at cequip.com
Mon Oct 17 15:16:56 MST 2005

This is the scenario:
	10 agents in a queue, strategy: rrmemory

ACD works great. However, when an agent makes an outgoing call, she is
still presented with an ACD call. We want the queue to recognize that
the agent is busy and not give her any ACD call.

Taking out call waiting is not an option, as we want a direct dialed
call come to her even when she is busy.

Someone suggested to use PauseQueueMember when she makes an outgoing
call and UnPauseQueueMember on completion of call. This is very
cumbersome and not a good solution IMO (if it works).

Basically, we want the queue to present an ACD call only to an agent who
is free. 

Now it may already be possible and I do not know how to do it. In that
case I will appreciate the solution. However, to the best of my
knowledge I think it is a feature request.

-- jt

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