[Asterisk-Dev] asterisk s/stable/static/ ?

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Wed Oct 12 18:01:56 MST 2005

> i just thought according to the legendary discussion about 'stable'  
> being stable or not, perhaps the old 'stable' should be renamed to  
> 'static' or so not to confuse lost souls? this could eventually open  
> up for a new 'stable' track in which the whole point was stability.....
> just my thoughts......

In my opinion, and everyone has one, the cvs-head stuff is far more
current and stable then anything else (give it a couple of days past
any mass updates/changes). The entire notion of Stable vs v1.x vs head has
absolutely no relavance to anything unless one closely monitors the
cvs list, developers list, etc.

The development cycle exists only in the minds of the developers and
their interpretation of Stable, which is seldom (if ever) actually
used/tested by those that use those terms with few exceptions.

  If asterisk-cvs list is fairly inactive,
    then cvs-head is more stable then Stable,
    don't use cvs-head

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