Hans Fugal fugalh at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 08:54:03 MST 2005

I have a simple need, I need the asterisk I compile to be installed
under /usr/local.  System administrators frequently have this need of
software. With autotools, it's as simple as ./configure
--prefix=/usr/local, and many developers wisely choose this to be the
default. I know the autotools debate, and I don't much care what the
default is, so long as I can get the desired behavior without jumping
through too many hoops.

At first glance in the Makefile, it looked like INSTALL_PREFIX would
do what I wanted. But upon doing a make -n install | grep install, I
see that this is not the case. Oh, it will be under /usr/local
alright, but in completely worthless places like /usr/local/usr/sbin
(instead of /usr/local/sbin).

I recommend either copying the FreeBSD paths at line 257 (which are
done correctly) up to the linux part, and properly documenting PREFIX
vs. INSTALL_PREFIX. This patch (against 1.2.0) does that.

I suppose I'll probably be posting similar patches for the other
tarballs as well.

Hans Fugal
Fugal Computing
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