[Asterisk-Dev] app_datetime unused ? and sayunixtime cleanup...

Luigi Rizzo rizzo at icir.org
Tue Nov 15 10:47:35 MST 2005

On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 10:29:39AM -0600, Tilghman Lesher wrote:
> It was for historic reasons only (i.e. when SayUnixTime was written,
> we didn't have the defaults in the Say apps).  I agree; those defaults
> belong in say.c.

very good. i have just submitted another version of the say.c rewrite.
once these are in i will submit the patch for app_sayunixtime.c

actually it would be great if someone of the bugmarshalls could
delete the older patches and leave only  say-20051115a.tgz,
as mantis is apparently preventing me from deleting them...


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