[Asterisk-Dev] chan_exosip2

Kevin Hanson tuxpert at comcast.net
Tue Nov 15 09:36:46 MST 2005

Olle E. Johansson wrote:

>>I have a customer with a receptionist that has a Polycom 601 w/ side
>>car.  They are running Asterisk 1.2 rc 2.  I have all the other
>>extensions setup as buddies on the receptionist phone.  When the phone
>>first boots up it appears that presence is working great.  An associate
>>is on the phone and the associated button and light on the receptionist
>>phone indicate "in use".
>Use "sip show inuse" to track the inuse counter. There may be errors in
>this logic.
I am getting inconsistent results with this.  I had two sip channels 
with call-limit=5.  'sip show inuse' showed them correctly.  I removed 
call-limit from one of the channels, reloaded and 'sip show inuse' 
showed that the channel had been removed from the user section, but not 
peer (or vice versa, can't remember).

>>However, after a period of time presence stops working, or only works on
>>some of the subscribed extensions (it's not consistent which ones are
>>working at any particular time).  [One note...the receptionist phone
>>always correctly shows that the other extensions are "on line" (i.e.
>>registered w/ asterisk), so "on line" state works.]  It just doesn't
>>always correctly show the other device states I need...ringing or in
>>use.  As a work-around they are using Flash Operator Panel to see device
>Again, please check with "sip show inuse"
I'm also getting weird results with 'show hints'.  In my lab I have one 
buddy on the polycom watching another phone.  'show hints' shows 1 
watcher.  Great.  The phone shows when the monitored extension is 'in use'.

During my reload above while testing 'sip show inuse', watchers goes to 
zero.  So, I disable / renable buddy watch on the polycom and 'show 
hints' now shows 2 watchers.  And the Polycom doesn't show 'in use' 
state of buddy anymore.

I'd like to play with this...put together specific, reproducable 
scenarios along with debugging traces.  Once I do that, should I open an 
issue on the bug tracker?

>>I get a lot of:
>>Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
>>I have just been assuming this was related to incomplete support of
>>presence and haven't looked at sip traces.  Now I'm thinking these
>>errors aren't related to presence and need to see what's causing them.
>Turn on SIP debug and try to find out. I'm curious as well.
I'll do that and open an issue on the tracker if appropriate.


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