[Asterisk-Dev] chan_bluetooth

Brent Priddy toopriddy at gmail.com
Wed May 18 14:57:30 MST 2005

> Had you started a call when you tried btsco? You said your phone
> wouldn't accept the SCO connection until it was ready for it, didn't
> you?

yes, I started a call using ATD in minicom and when the CIEV 3,1
started (call state up) I tried "./btsco MAC 7" If i am interpreting
bdaddress and channel corredtly (where MAC is the MAC of my phone and
7 is the channel reported by the hcitool) and it does not work, it
comes back with an error looking like it could not find the bluetooth
audio hardware, at least that is what it looked like in the code (even
though I have the module loaded)

Error: control open (hw:2): No such file or directory
Error: Can't find device. Bail

I did have one hwdep that it skiped over "12" while looking for the
bluetooth audio device "13", if i changed the code to accept the
device that I have, btsco complained about an "invalid read" from the
snd_hwdep_read function call in main()

In the interm, I tried fooling with asterisk again, and found out that
it is every other call that has the messed up audio, so the theory
about abeing a byte off in the ringbuffer might be correct, I will try
to play around with it tonight

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