[Asterisk-Dev]About Asterisk Architecture

Kristian Nielsen kn at sifira.dk
Mon May 2 12:35:25 MST 2005

> > Ignore the comments in the code, a lot of them are just plain wrong

> If they are wrong we need to get them out of there... can you point
> out an example?

>From include/asterisk/sched.h:

    /*!Adds a scheduled event */
     * \param con Schduler context to add
     * \param when how many milliseconds to wait for event to occur
     * \param callback function to call when the amount of time expires
     * \param data data to pass to the callback
     * Schedule an event to take place at some point in the future.  callback 
     * will be called with data as the argument, when milliseconds into the
     * future (approximately)
     * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
    extern int ast_sched_add(struct sched_context *con, int when, ast_sched_cb callback, void *data);

But it does not return 0 on success, it returns an id that can be passed
to ast_sched_del().

What's a good and quick way to get such trivias into the CVS, file a new
bug each time?

 - Kristian.

Kristian Nielsen   kn at sifira.dk
Development Manager, Sifira A/S

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