[Asterisk-Dev] Real UniqueIDs (GUID/UUID) for CDRs

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Wed Mar 30 14:40:31 MST 2005

On Wednesday 30 March 2005 14:41, Michael Giagnocavo wrote:
> A bit ago, there was a conversation about having GUIDs/UUIDs in CDRs.
> Something that'll be guaranteed unique even with a large farm of
> Asterisk servers busily generating CDRs.
> Instead of making up an algorithm, I just added support for uuids
> (libuuid), which bases off the MAC address and some other things, and
> gives a guarantee of uniqueness for a high-volume environment.
> There's a patch to the core CDR code, plus I made cdr_csv support it
> as well. To anyone interested, please add on patches for other CDR
> modules (I'm not familiar with them at all).
> http://bugs.digium.com/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0003780

libuuid is licensed under GPL, which is incompatible with the Asterisk
license, unless you can convince Digium to make another license
exception for libuuid.  Other than that, you'll also have to write your
own builtin implementation of uuid_generate_time(), as *BSD does not
contain an implementation of uuid_generate_time() either.


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