[Asterisk-Dev] app_meetme fix for entry beep with count users

Jared Mauch jared at puck.nether.net
Mon Mar 28 17:00:12 MST 2005

	since using the 'c' (count users in conf flag) in cvs head
there is no longer a beep when users join.

	this should resolve that issue/solves it for my case.

	here's the flags i usually use with my conference:

exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,AbsoluteTimeout(86400)
exten => s,3,Wait,1
exten => s,4,Authenticate(${ARG2})
exten => s,5,Meetme(${ARG1}|cdpMs)
exten => s,6,Hangup

	(i've got my disclaimer filed, but can't seem to recall
if i have a mantis login right now.. but either way, this is
fairly straightforward).

cvs server: Diffing .
Index: app_meetme.c
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/apps/app_meetme.c,v
retrieving revision 1.91
diff -u -r1.91 app_meetme.c
--- app_meetme.c        21 Mar 2005 03:23:05 -0000      1.91
+++ app_meetme.c        28 Mar 2005 23:01:10 -0000
@@ -729,6 +729,7 @@
                                else if (res == -1) 
                                        goto outrun;
+                       conf_play(chan, conf, ENTER);

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared at puck.nether.net
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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