[Asterisk-Dev] T.38 pass-through / T.38 support

Marius S lov2cod at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 13:00:17 MST 2005

On 6/8/05, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy at karlsbakk.net> wrote:
> agree to use ulaw. Seems like the FAXes are transferred by ulaw. Can you
> try an ethereal trace, and see if you see any UDPTL? It looks like you
> won't. 
> You will need to send me instructions on how to do that.
> get ethereal from http://www.ethereal.com/ and start tracing :) 

I tried ethereal yesterday and you don't need much to get started.
Just Capture for a short while and then look at the packets. If you
are in a lab type environment without too much traffic then you can
get by without a filter. Otherwise you can use a specific packet as
the base for a filter. You need to commit 1 hr to start getting some
idea :)

This is a pretty amazing tool given it's free status.

Marius S

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