[Asterisk-Dev] chan_esd?

steve at daviesfam.org steve at daviesfam.org
Fri Jul 29 15:04:43 MST 2005


Just been trying to help someone who wants to use Linux client systems 
to get call audio in and out of Asterisk.  Its a specialised environment.  
They've been trying to use Mozphone - a thin-client phone I'd never seen 
before.  But is seems to have problems with current IAX and hasn't been 
maintained in some time I don't think.

I don't know of a good softphone to suggest - if anyone has ideas they 
would be welcome.

But thinking about this, I had an off the wall idea:  a really simple 
chan_esd that would allow asterisk to open audio in and out on a client 
PC.  Like chan_oss only where the sound-card can be on a remote PC.

Dial(ESD/auth at ipaddress) would open audio to and from the esd on that IP 

The "control" functions (dialling numbers, hanging up etc) would be 
implemented "out of band" via a web interface or something.

What do people think of the idea?


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