[Asterisk-Dev] help needed

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Mon Jul 25 14:54:42 MST 2005

Jared Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 16:34 +0200, Hoai-Anh Ngo-Vi wrote:
>>But Asterisk didn't really launch that a.out programm (I didn't get any message via CLI> console, that programm would have put some messages into CLI> console via stderr if it ran correctly).
> Don't be too sure.  In most cases, Asterisk only puts the STDERR output
> from an AGI program onto the *FIRST* Asterisk console, which is probably
> on TTY9 if you're using the default safe_asterisk.
> Is this a bug?  Is this intentional?  I'm not sure...

It's annoying, that's for sure.

Eric Wieling * BTEL Consulting * 504-210-3699 x2120

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