[Asterisk-Dev] gnu-tls

Steven critch at basesys.com
Tue Jul 5 23:55:52 MST 2005

On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 09:21 +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> has anybody tried making Asterisk build with GNU TLS instead of openssl?

Please use google to look up the licensing wars that have taken place.
Essentially the use of a GNU GPL tool would cause trouble for the code
base. Digium sells GPL waiver licenses for which you can link in non-GPL
code. Use of GPL code not disclaimed to Digium would hinder that option.
So only BSD or other less restrictive to the developer licenses need be

Do not think of the comments above as a complaint about the GPL but
rather the compatibility with Digium business decisions. 
Steven <critch at basesys.com>

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