[Asterisk-Dev] Re: MySQL SIP and Message Waiting Indication

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo tih at eunetnorge.no
Tue Jan 25 12:07:40 MST 2005

alex at pilosoft.com writes:

> This list is *for developers to talk to other developers*.  If you
> are not a developer, you don't belong.

In that case, the project is lacking a mailing list.  Other Open
Source projects typically have a mailing list for users of CVS HEAD,
very often named ${project}-current.  This is an arena where
developers can interact with CVS HEAD users in their role as beta
testers.  In addition, many projects have specific lists that are
intended for people who actually work on the code.

> Somehow Asterisk has many orders of magnitude more users without a
> clue who think they can use a TOOLKIT to set up a something useful
> than any other free software project.

Get used to it!  VoIP is the Next Big Thing, a "not just for hackers"
field.  What you're seeing is an effect of Asterisk being an Open
Source project that actually attracts users.  Large numbers of people
will be looking in, many of them with only Microsoft point-and-drool
experience, and with the accompanying instant gratification addiction.
And you know what?  If Asterisk doesn't satisfy them, they'll find
something that does.

...oh, and lighen up, already!  You didn't need to be so rude.

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway Hosting
www.eunet.no  T +47-22092958 M +47-93013940 F +47-22092901 FWD 484145

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