[Asterisk-Dev] libiax2

Hans Fugal hans at fugal.net
Mon Feb 14 13:19:17 MST 2005

A few questions on libiax2.

SteveK mentioned he is mostly the only one maintaining it. Does this
mean the official home of libiax2 is in the iaxclient sources? I've
found so many versions of libiax and libiax2 floating around that it's
hard to know which is the maintained fork. It would be nice if the
official version or the de facto version had a home page.

Is it threadsafe? Does it aspire to be?

Would documentation patches be accepted? If so, would someone be willing
to answer my questions about the API in exchange for my offering
well-written documentation?

 .O.  Hans Fugal            | De gustibus non disputandum est.
 ..O  http://hans.fugal.net | Debian, vim, mutt, ruby, text, gpg
 OOO                        | WindowMaker, gaim, UTF-8, RISC, JS Bach
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