[Asterisk-Dev] any reason for #define FREE in the code ?

Luigi Rizzo rizzo at icir.org
Wed Dec 28 12:09:57 MST 2005

there are a few files, probably derived from some old template,
that still have these blocks:

	static void FREE(void *ptr)
	#define FREE free

the files in question are the following:

	./res/res_features.c:static void FREE(void *ptr)
	./res/res_features.c.orig:static void FREE(void *ptr)
	./pbx/.svn/text-base/pbx_ael.c.svn-base:static void FREE(void *ptr)
	./pbx/.svn/text-base/pbx_config.c.svn-base:static void FREE(void *ptr)
	./pbx/pbx_config.c:static void FREE(void *ptr)
	./pbx/pbx_ael.c:static void FREE(void *ptr)

i don't think there is any reason for that, especially
considering that the actual function or macro is not used
consistently across the code. It should go, right ?


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