[Asterisk-Dev] Warnings to users of svn/asterisk/trunk

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Wed Dec 7 09:55:46 MST 2005

On Wednesday 07 December 2005 10:26, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 10:37:15AM -0500, Russell Bryant wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > The following applications were marked as deprecated in the 1.2
> > release, and are now being removed from the trunk.  All of the
> > removed applications have an equivalent dialplan function.
> >
> > Please take a minute to check your dialplans to make sure you are
> > not using any of these applications.  As of revision 7379, they
> > will no longer be there:
> >
> > Curl, Cut, Sort, DBPut, DBGet, ENUMLookup, Eval
> > GetGroupCount, SetGroup, CheckGroup, GetGroupMatchCount
> > MD5, MD5Check, Math, SetCIDName, SetCIDNum, SetRDNIS, SetCallerID
> > TXTCIDName, AbsoluteTimeout, DigitTimeout, ResponseTimeout,
> > SetAccount SetLanguage, SetVar (renamed to Set)
> For the record: where are their equivalents documented?

With the exception of SetVar, which is now Set, all of the other
applications have been reimplemented as functions.  Those equivalent
functions are all in 1.2.

Curl = CURL
Cut = CUT
Sort = SORT
DBPut = DB (by setting)
DBGet = DB
Eval = EVAL
GetGroupCount = GROUP_COUNT
SetGroup = GROUP (by setting)
CheckGroup = GROUP
GetGroupMatchCount = GROUP_MATCH_COUNT
MD5 = MD5
MD5Check = CHECK_MD5
Math = MATH
SetCIDName = CALLERID(name) (by setting)
SetCIDNum = CALLERID(num) (by setting)
SetRDNIS = CALLERID(RDNIS) (by setting)
SetCallerID = CALLERID(all) (by setting)
AbsoluteTimeout = TIMEOUT(absolute) (by setting)
DigitTimeout = TIMEOUT(digit) (by setting)
ResponseTimeout = TIMEOUT(response) (by setting)
SetAccount = CDR(accountcode) (by setting)
SetLanguage = LANGUAGE (by setting)

Some of those are already documented on the Wiki.  Most (all?) of them
are also documented in the online help for 'show application <foo>'.


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