[Asterisk-Dev] meetme enhancements to improve efficiency

Dan Austin Dan_Austin at Phoenix.com
Thu Dec 1 18:54:14 MST 2005

> There's no technical reason why app_conference couldn't go inside  
> asterisk.  The code could be disclaimed, if people were interested in

> maintaining it in the core.

> It _is_ maintained, as I use it all the time, but there's actually a  
> couple of issues which make it less than ideal at the moment:

> 1) It wants all users to have 20ms frames, and will not be happy  
> otherwise (so, iLBC, etc are no good).
There's a patch in Mantis that addresses the 20ms issue in Meetme.
It's likely not ideal, but functional.

> 2) it doesn't include _any_ features.

> These can both be addressed, and it might be easier than trying to  
> change the meetme architecture.  (also, (2) can be done more cleanly  
> than in meetme, because it can be external from the actual muxing  
> functionality).

> I guess, you could also take the guts of app_conference, and  
> transplant them into meetme (you'd still need the disclaimer), but  
> then you'd still have all the muxing functionality mixed into the  
> features..

There's another patch in Mantis to start the task of making
Meetme Realtime-enabled.  The interest with this patch is it can
be extended to support a scheduling and control process.  I have
been maintaining an out of tree module that checks scheduling and
resource details and launchs app_meetme if all conditions are meet.
I planned to merge these features into Meetme once Realtime support
is in.

In any case I would love to see either Meetme adopt some of
app_conference's features or app_conference replace app_meetme.


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