[Asterisk-Dev] AST_FLAG_DEFER_DTMF (would like dialogic-r4like
Kevin P. Fleming
kpfleming at digium.com
Thu Dec 1 10:02:34 MST 2005
Greg Lim wrote:
> I did not know about app_externalivr before. That's new info to me.
> Thank you. It'll be
> another good place to look at behavior like that. I don't think I can
> use that directly,
> because it would require rewriting the logic for my "scripts" in dozens
> of places. Also,
> a dialplan is not really the correct place to do this, as there's a ton
> of code that
> talks directly to proprietary in-house TCP-socket apps.
app_externalivr is not in the dialplan; it forks off a process just like
AGI, but uses a different interface/protocol to talk to that process and
provides different behavior.
In other words, you can write your logic in any language you like, as
long as it can be executed and communicate over stdin/stdout :-)
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