[Asterisk-Dev] libpri-s makefile

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Sun Aug 21 11:57:20 MST 2005


I'm looking at libpri's makefile. There aeem to be a number of potential
problems that probably won't bother me (and thus I can't file a patch,
as I can't test it) but seem wrong:

The makefile seems to have been patched by a Solaris guy. It seems to
have the assumption that you're either using Solaring and installing to
/usr/local or using Linux and nor really using ldconfig at install time
(-n: just symlink, don't update cache. Handy for package builders) and
installing files under /usr .

Fine with me for my package. But what if you just want to install it to
/usr/local ? Shouldn't that be the default?

Anyway: I also saw there: 

  ifeq ($(PROC),sparc64)

Does this actually work? Last time I tried something like that, make
complained about redefining values and ignored the second assignment.
There is actually no need to change PROC there, as the new value is only
used once in the makefile: in the next line (still inside that same

Tzafrir Cohen     icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406
tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com  http://www.xorcom.com

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