[Asterisk-Dev] video in iax2 spec

Ben Lear benlear at benlear.com
Thu Apr 28 17:47:26 MST 2005

asterisk-dev-bounces at lists.digium.com wrote:

[... hack slash snip ...]

> For now, that's[Theora] really all I'm interested in. I am trying to
> make this useful for others, like I have already with the
> iaxclient project, and the jitterbuffer stuff, but all _I_ am
> really interested in doing is:
> a) capture/display, encode/decode in iaxclient
> b) transport via IAX2
> c) videoconference in app_conference.
> d) record to some format.
> I only need to choose a single codec/format, and make that work.

I just wish to know *how* it is to work. And if there currently is no *how*
then work towards establishing one, before running off on a mini code fest. 

> So, yes, I am interested in making the payload formats the
> same as RTP, such that you can have iaxclient go through
> asterisk, and interoperate with RTP clients, but it's not
> something _I_ need to have done; it's a service to the
> community. I don't plan on doing any of the work in rtp.c,
> chan_sip, or any of that stuff.

Nor do I. However, I would like to establish how it will eventually work and
someone can write it down and we can go off on our merry ways and meet up at
some later stage; and everything being equal be able to crank up a video
conversation. now that would be cool :P

> I haven't settled on a codec that I'd like to use yet
> (although I've written basic drivers for ffmpeg[with it's
> subformats] and theora), but, theora, being unencumbered, is
> a huge plus. 

To declare Theora "Unencumbered" is a higly debatable subject, though really
it matters not in this context.

> The quality from theora is similar to
> H.263/MPEG4, although the present library needs a lot of
> optimization, as it's seems an order of magnitude slower than ffmpeg
> at the moment. 
> If anyone wants to contribute to the cause, we can certainly broaden
> the goals. 

Get the spec sorted first, then I'm sure more people will be more inclined
to help out with the coding.

Anyway, I appreciate your time today steve its been a great help in
determining the status quo.



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