[Asterisk-Dev] Dev Meeting list

alex at pilosoft.com alex at pilosoft.com
Thu Apr 28 16:20:01 MST 2005

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, John Todd wrote:

> Interesting method, but not quite consistent across all applications
> considering many applications have many arguments they take, and adding
> priorities into the argument list seems a bit "busy".  Here's a rehashed
> message from long ago (and look!  I even used ENUM as the example!) -
> perhaps it may be of some use in this thread:
Am I the only one who has horrible flashbacks of both BASIC (numbered 
code) and FORTRAN (computed GOTOs) at same time? 

Ugh. I think by now everyone should realize that line-numbered programming
is so 20th century. ;)

No, I'm not volunteering to replace asterisk dialplan with Yet Another 
Embedded Language ;)


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