[Asterisk-Dev] increasing delay in meetme conference

Tirpak Miklos mtirpak at sztaki.hu
Thu Apr 28 02:51:14 MST 2005


I would like to use meetme app for audio conference, but I have a problem with 
the audio delay: it is increasing as time elapses. One way delay can reach 5 
secs after 15 minutes usage.

I have read all the mails in the list archives, and the open case for the bug: 

I have tried the code from the devel thread of CVS today, and the 'q' parameter, 
but the result was the same. There is nearly no delay when the participants join 
to the conference (2 SIP phones from the same LAN), but after some minutes the 
delay permanently increases.

There is no problem when the phones call each other without meetme app. Asterisk 
has to transcode every time (gsm-alaw), but the thranscoding time between the 
two codecs is 2-3 milisecs, and the cpu usage is less the 1%. It is also true in 
case of using meetme.


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