[Asterisk-Dev] free Cisco 7970 color IP phone for Asterisk developer

Adam Megacz adam at bluepixel.com
Thu Apr 14 01:57:20 MST 2005

We at Bluepixel would benefit a great deal from robust, solid support
for the Cisco 7970 phone in Asterisk.  So, we'd like to offer to give
one away to somebody who's willing to implement this functionality
(either in chan_sccp or chan_skinny).  They usually go for around $500.

If you're interested, please email me offline, and let me know what
parts of asterisk you've worked on (particularly anything relevant to
this task).

The way it works is this: we ship you the phone, you write the code
and post it publicly in a form suitable for upstream integration with
either chan_sccp or chan_skinny.

If you succeed, you keep the phone; otherwise we'll have to ask for it
back and try somebody else.  We may require a bit of assistance from
you getting our first 7970 up and running with your code.

Our timeline is about two weeks -- we'd like to at least be able to
make and receive calls by then.  We don't need support for every
single feature on the phone, but the clock, wallpaper, and setting the
source for rss feeds are fairly high priorities.

  - a

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