[Asterisk-Dev] Sending the output of Monitor to a TCP port

Matt Riddell matt.riddell at sineapps.com
Mon Apr 4 20:35:05 MST 2005

David Pollak wrote:
> Guys,
> I've got an application where I want to send the audio from a channel to 
> a socket on another machine.  I want to be able to start this listening 
> process at any point in a channel's life.  I've been looking at 
> modifying the Manager's "monitor" code so that the results of a 
> monitored channel can go to an open FD rather than to an actual file.  
> The place where I'm getting all tangled up is in ast_filestream.  It 
> seems that ast_filestream has a set of special purpose fields.  Rather 
> than adding yet another field or two (a flag for "this is going to a 
> file descriptor" and the FD itself) I figured I'd ping you all and see 
> if you had any suggestions on how to achieve my goal without surgery to 
> ast_filestream.

Instead of sending a raw stream over the network, why not just add 
iaxclient functionalities to your application?

Isn't it better off as a call?


Matt Riddell

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