[Asterisk-Dev] SIP peers in MySQL Database and accountcode

Matteo Brancaleoni mbrancaleoni at espia.it
Tue Sep 21 01:01:55 MST 2004


Il mar, 2004-09-21 alle 00:48, Francesco Delfino ha scritto:

> Checking chan_sip.c sources and `sipfriends` DB table structure I found 
> that there in no "accountcode" support for users. Is there some real 
> reasons for this?

I don't see a real reason. DB support into chan_sip (&chan_iax2)
is nice but not complete. Adding additional fields like
accountcode, amaflags or similar is pretty simple, if you look
into the code.

> I have seen a previous post about this and this is the soluzion addressed:
>      http://bugs.digium.com/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0001229
> Why is it not yet included in the mainstream development?
about this feature in itself, because isn't ready for production.


Matteo Brancaleoni
System Administrator
mbrancaleoni at espia.it
EspiA Srl - e*solution provider
Via Pascoli, 37
20129 Milano - Italy
SIP:matteo at sip.voismart.it
Tel. +39 0270633354
Fax. +39 0245487890
IAXTEL: 17005662458

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