[Asterisk-Dev] OT - Regulatory hurdles for Zaptel and Japanese PRI

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Wed Sep 8 10:27:03 MST 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 12:19, Fernando Romo wrote:
> Benjamin:
> Is not  OT, in Mexico have the same problem, The domain phone company 
> (TELMEX) use a signaling protocol called R2MF (R2 Modify), than obstruct 
> any intent to put to work hardware like the Digium E100p, fortunaly 
> TELMEX bring the ISDN Balanced Lines, but is very dificult to negotiate 
> with this company the use of other signal protocols.
> Maybe the solution to this is make the libpri or Zaptel drivers (I 
> confese my ignorance about this issue) to handle a "modular" type of 
> protocol definitions, i mean put in one piece of software the signaling 
> protocol (VG R1, R2, J1, etc) and "plug-in" in the adecuate driver.
> each person only define the desire signal protocol without affect the 
> main driver. just a funny idea...

That is how libpri works. The actual line coding is dealt with in the
zaptel driver and the protocols that make up ISDN ride above the zaptel
driver. The problem I mentioned in my last email is that asterisk pulls
in the libpri to handle the line. I'm concerned that in any of those
approval processes you may get hung up on a version of asterisk as it
drives a version of lib(your ISDN coding here) on top of a version of
zaptel driving the card. 

It would take some understanding people to view the components
seperately and not as one product since it takes them all to drive the
Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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