[Asterisk-Dev] SS7 for *

Steve Underwood steveu at coppice.org
Mon Oct 4 06:02:44 MST 2004

Linus Surguy wrote:

>>> This is presuming, of course, that your SS7 connectivity provider 
>>> demands that you run an approved SS7 stack :-) I can't imagine any 
>>> legitimate telco doing otherwise...
>> Why should they require approval? Its really quite bogus. Hardware 
>> approval is important for safety considerations. However, if their 
>> network can be harmed by your software they have a terrorist attack 
>> problem. Little on the Telco's side has been approved, and they 
>> freely change stuff at any time. Telcos have woken up to this in 
>> recent years, and attitudes have changed. As I said, its a few years 
>> since I put something through approvals. We will see.
> Certainly in the UK, you cannot connect to British Telecom with SS#7 
> unless you are operating an approved switch, i.e. an approved software 
> build & hardware build - and we've been through this process.
> Mind you, as * today is concerned then it is not important anyway, as 
> BT only allow BT-IUP or UK-ISUP SS#7 and not ETSI-ISUP.

Why does that make it unimportant. SS7 in the UK has only minor 
differences, which could be allowed for. Of course, that means a special 
UK approval, and EU approval won't work for the UK.

Don't other operators in the UK use the standard SS7 protocol? I thought 
it was just BT that would not fall into line. I haven't worked there for 
12 years.


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