[Asterisk-Dev] libpri ISDN features

Clint Guillot clint at helixsystems.com
Wed Nov 24 13:02:26 MST 2004

My application requires access to some of the ISDN features not present 
in the current libpri.
I would like to start working on some of these features, but have two 

Where can I find definitive information on the content of ISDN Facility 
messages?  Libpri
currently implements only the callerid name message, and only incoming 
as far as I can tell.
I've found a lot of info via google, but haven't come across anything 
that looks to
be a definitive list of message types and formats.  I only need a few 
of the features
(specifically OP:MWI/RMV:MWI and DNIS) but I figure while I've got the 
hood up...

Secondly, some of the features I'd like to implement are not call 
related.  MWI, for
instance, is used to turn on/off the message waiting indicator on a 
remote line to which
asterisk is not necessarily connected.  Has there been any consensus as 
to where something
like this belongs within asterisk?

Thanks, and enjoy the holiday,


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